Getting Around
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Navigate the North East with ease

We can advise your clients on the diverse transportation options available across the region, ensuring they can explore vibrant cities like Newcastle and Gateshead, charming market towns in Northumberland, and the breathtaking landscapes of Durham, with ease.

We're here to help plan the best way of getting around the North East for your clients to ensure a stress-free and enjoyable visit.

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Coach Friendly destinations

As part of the region’s commitment to being a Coach Friendly destination a number of areas have received the Confederation of Passenger Transport Coach Friendly accreditation. This means businesses in that area have demonstrated a number of the following services:

  • Drop off points
  • Coach parking
  • Information for groups
  • Good parking proximity for coaches to main tourist sites or accommodation
  • Clear directional instructions and signage for visiting coaches
  • Special access for cities/towns for coaches, bus lanes etc
  • Adequate parking for coaches, drop off and pick up points
  • Coach and driver facilities e.g. toilets, rest rooms, coach wash etc
  • Concessionary rate for meal for drivers may be offered
  • Facilities for disable, mobility and visual impaired
  • A named contact representative for the visit
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Where has 'Coach Friendly' status?

  • Durham City
  • Beamish Museum
  • Bishop Auckland 
  • The Sill – the UK’s National Landscape Discovery Centre
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Get around with professional support

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