English Heritage

Barnard English Heritage

English Heritage

From the epic Hadrian’s Wall and coastal castles to spiritual priories, grand gardens and hidden gems, English Heritage in North East England offers a whole range of places for a great day out.

English Heritage sites in North East England include -

Travel Trade Information

Best contact for Travel TradeMichelle Brown
Preferred method for booking overseas trade / groupsEmail: bookings@english-heritage.org.uk
Max & Min Group sizes11 min to qualify for group discount / max no depends on site
Group rates15% discount for groups of 11 or more and one free driver and guide on top of the below rates. There are 3 price bands for off peak, standard and peak.
FIT ratesOn application for series bookings
Suitable for corporate / incentive visitsYes at some sites
Additional informationSee groups and trade site for further information and resources including images and full price guide: https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/group-visits/
Group ratesYes

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